
Our research pods examine a new title every 2 weeks. The Immersive Design Pattern Study will run for a total of 36 weeks, with each of 4 pods evaluating 18 titles. Research results will be published in early 2022.  Building the study was an iterative and collaborative process that happened over many months.

Final Publications | Spring 2022

Final Analysis | Fall 2021

Test Launch | Spring 2021

Beta Test | Winter 2021

Functional QA Test | Fall 2020

Results from Alpha Test Analysis | Summer 2020

The current process of interaction evaluation is not sufficient for the wide range of experiences being evaluated. Committees are created to:

Alpha Test | Spring 2020

Personas and Test Cases | Winter 2020

To ensure each evaluator is collecting comparable data and that foundational assumptions about use cases are consistent for each title:

Proof of Concept | Fall 2019

Initial Idea | Early 2019

Founders Rob Dongas and Suzan Oslin decide to embark on a project to evaluate interaction design patterns in VR.

Committees Created

To address re-architecting the evaluation form and the evaluation summaries, committees are created. Accessibility usability studies are added to the test plan.

Committees Created

To address re-architecting the evaluation form and the evaluation summaries, committees are created. Accessibility usability studies are added to the test plan.

Committees Created

To address re-architecting the evaluation form and the evaluation summaries, committees are created. Accessibility usability studies are added to the test plan.





The Immersive Design Pattern Study is running for the first 36 weeks of 2021. Research teams aim to complete a title every 2 weeks. Research results will be published in late 2021.


Initial Idea

Founders Rob Dongas and Suzan Oslin begin ideating about a study to evaluate interaction design patterns in VR.


Proof of Concept

An initial list of questions is turned into a Google form and testing protocol is created. We ran our first test on Sketchbox 3D. The team size is now at 6, which includes long-time team members Marina Roselli and Lori Helig


Personas and Test Cases

It becomes immediately clear that the study will require a persona for each use-case category to establish certain foundational assumptions and a test case for each title will be required to assure each evaluator is collecting similar data.


Alpha Test

A dry run of the test is launched to test the evaluation form, and the pod and communications structure. Each pod evaluates 1 title in each of 3 categories, all 12 categories are tested between 4 pods. Overall team size grows to 16, which includes additional dedicated team members Alberto Garcia, Jennie Lee, Lissa Aguilar, and Robert Bellman.


Alpha Test Analysis

The framework for the UI and interaction questions is not sufficient for such a wide range of experiences, and the data is not easily compared. The decision is made to bring on an accessibility consultant to additionally run usability studies for a variety of disabilities.


Committees Created

To address re-architecting the evaluation form and the evaluation summaries, committees are created. Accessibility usability studies are added to the test plan.


Functional QA Test

To test the dynamic Qualtrics evaluation form we asked every team member to select any title of their choosing to assure as much variation as possible.


Final Revisions

and further training, add additional evaluator to ensure min 4 evaluations, add second analyst for fair workload


Beta Test

The home environment for each major platform [Rift, Quest, Vive, WMR] is evaluated for a baseline to compare experiences across headsets. Data is stored for the first time.


Final Test Launch

Each pod evaluates and summarizes 1 title every two weeks over the next 36 weeks for a total of 18 titles per pod or 72 titles for the entire team.


The Immersive Design Pattern Study is running for the first 36 weeks of 2021. Research teams aim to complete a title every 2 weeks. Research results will be published in late 2021.